Showing all 4 results

General Nutrition Package


During your consultation, I want to hear ‘your story’, so I will ask you a lot of questions so that I can really build a clear picture of your current health issues and possible triggers for these. This will help me to build a clear picture of what may be the possible underlying causes for your current health problems.

GI test and advice package


I offer the GI Map via Invivo Healthcare as I have found this test to be invaluable to my clients with gastrointestinal imbalances. The GI-MAP is the first and only gut test in the world to be running full quantitative PCR (qPCR) on multiple GI targets.

Metabolic Balance weight loss package


If you are looking for a long-term weight loss solution, or If you have been struggling to lose weight or to retain weight loss, or you have been a yo – yo dieter following a metabolic balance plan may offer you a long-term solution you have been looking for.

SIBO test and advice package


It is estimated that 60% of people who have IBS have undiagnosed small intestinal bacterial overgrowth – symptoms of SIBO include bloating, abdominal discomfort, altered bowel movements, either constipation or diarrhoea and excess wind (burping or flatulence).