If you are looking for a long-term weight loss solution, or If you have been struggling to lose weight or to retain weight loss, or you have been a yo – yo dieter following a metabolic balance plan may offer you a long-term solution you have been looking for.

Weight Loss

If you are looking for a long-term weight loss solution, or If you have been struggling to lose weight or to retain weight loss, or you have been a yo – yo dieter following a metabolic balance plan may offer you a long-term solution you have been looking for.

Logo Metabolic Balance

A natural weight management programme offering fast results and long-term success

Participants receive an individualised personal nutritional plan based on 35 laboratory values from a simple blood test. These values establish the correct parameters for proper metabolic and hormonal function for your unique biochemistry. The nutritional plan re-establishes your natural night time fat burning process (lipolysis) and kick starts your metabolism again. So while it may sound too good to be true, you sleep your weight off!

The change in metabolism is achieved with this individualised, precise and balanced nutrition plan.

Weight Loss Help and Advice

Metabolic Balance Package Includes

Blood test Analysis
Personalised Metabolic Balance Plan
7 coaching sessions with Ruth

The Metabolic Balance Programme £795

Consultation One
Initial consultation to discuss the Metabolic Balance, the process, and to take weight, measurements etc

You have your blood test
A walk in phlebotomy service is included in the MB fee at
The Doctors Laboratory, Wimpole Street, London
Mon- Fri 7AM- 7PM
Sat 7AM- 5PM

N.B. Other local phlebotomists are available but this will incur an extra charge
Results are emailed to Ruth who will then enter these into the Metabolic Balance Database – Your personalised Metabolic Plan is created

Consultation Two
You receive your Metabolic Balance plan
I go through your specific instructions for phase 1 and phase 2 of the Metabolic Balance Plan
We discuss meal ideas and how to make this work in a practical way
We agree a start date

Consultation Three
One week after starting
Metabolic Balance Coaching session

Consultation Four
Two weeks after starting
Metabolic Balance Coaching session

Consultation Five
Four Weeks after staring the plan
Metabolic balance Coaching session

Consultation Six
Four Weeks later
Metabolic Balance Coaching session

Consultation Seven
Four to Six weeks later
Metabolic Balance Coaching session